The per Mbps bandwidth is based upon 5 minute averages of your actual usage, then subjected to 95th percentile adjustment. You pay based on this average in 1 Mbps increments at a set rate, depending on your commitment level.
Here's how it works
We sample your actual usage every 5 minutes, we then average the total and post the result as a 5 minute usage point on your usage graph. Over the month, we will continue to plot the 5 minute averages, which total about 8,640 points plotted on the graph. We then take the top 5 percent of your usage (432 points) and throw it out! Your usage is determined based upon the highest remaining usage plotted. If your usage is at or lower than your committed bandwidth AFTER we've taken off the top 5%, you will not receive any additional billing. Any usage over the minimum will be billed at the appropriate rate.
You are automatically placed on a burstable 100 Mbps link. You'll be able to monitor your bandwidth usage to understand exactly what your usage is. At the beginning of the following month, you will get a bill for actual 95th percentile usage.
This method of billing provides you with a number of advantages. First, this equates to receiving your highest 36 hours of bandwidth usage free each month. Second, like our network, our billing is scalable - the cost of entry is reduced and your bill will only increase as actual bandwidth usage occurs. Finally, you only pay for the higher of the upstream or downstream traffic.
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